Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Race: The Power of an Illusion; Difference Between Us

In the movie, “Race: The Power of an Illusion; Difference Between Us,” it talks about race being an idea. Race has been attempted to be proven as biological but lack of evidence is stopping that argument keeping race an idea.
The movie talks about race being an idea. Technically it is not biological but it is still real. The idea is taken more serious but by certain people. This is racism and causes many problems in the world. An example from the movie is that African Americans are better than everyone else. They win many more athletic events such as the Olympics and basketball. People have said the African Americans have different types of bodies compared to everyone else. Like I have heard that they have an extra calf muscle and that is why they can jump higher than everyone else. Though it has been proven that African Americans have the same body as everyone else and does not have this extra calf muscle that they have been falsely accused of. The movie says that they are biological because of diseases they carry. They said that African Americans will die off. As we all know of looking at today’s society, they have gone no where and will be here for as long as mankind is.
Why would scientists think that race is biological? Race cannot be biological because we all have the same bodies inside. Just our skin colors are different.
I thought the movie was king of interesting to learn how people thought about how race was created. I personally believe that race is an idea and cannot be biological. The movie made me become more of a believer that race is an idea as well.

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