Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Capitalism, Class, and the Matrix of Domination

The thesis of Allan G. Johnson’s chapter, “Capitalism, Class, and the Matrix of Domination” is capitalism created white racism along with privileges for the white race.
Johnson begins the chapter by explaining what capitalism is which is making money become a bigger profit out of it. For example capitalist created the sowing machine to create more profit for less cost since the labor workers cost more and took longer to make clothes. He then talks about how money is spilt in the United States. “10 percent of the U.S. population holds more than two-thirds of all the wealth, including almost 90 percent of the cash, almost half the land, more than 90 percent of the business assets, and almost all stocks and bonds.” This is saying that the less fortunate citizens of the country are splitting less money than the smallest group. With capitalism, privileges created white racism due to the enslavement of Africans for their cheap labor. This made the white males feel more dominant than any other race. Even the white males who worked for higher powered capitalists, they still looked at themselves as more superior to a colored person. Once the lower class whites lost their superiority to the colors, this is where the Ku Klux Klan was created. The matrix of domination is having different privileges. You can have privileges in one area but then not have it in another. For example the white male says that an African male is a sex predator. Then women portray the male as a protector and comforter.
What would happen if we did not have capitalism? Without capitalism the United States would not be the power house it is with currency and with their army. Also technology may not be where it is today. If there was not a lot of money then we would not be able to afford all the things we can today to help benefit our country.
I thought this chapter was truthful. With capitalism being a huge problem of why there is white racism in the world. Johnson makes some great points about capitalism and explains to make this chapter make more sense.

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